Blokster: Swipe right for your dream house

Everyone now is aware of Tinder, datings app. The principle is very simple. You are shown pictures of men/women according to your settings and filters. Way out of your league? Swipe left. A feast for the eye? Swipe right. Now you can choose not only partners but also the house to live in.
Blokster is not Funda
Our Tinder for houses is called Blokster. The five largest housing corporations in the Amsterdam region and suburbs are members of Blokster. The companies have both sale and rental housing offers available in the app. Part of it is exclusively presented on Blokster only. Nowhere else. So, are you looking for a house or just want to see beautiful lodging? Then you should download Blokster for sure.
More details
Do you want to know more? More detailed information can be found on The Blokster concept is made in cooperation with housing companies the Alliantie and Eigen Haard.
Success stories of the Blokster app in the media:
Kassa: Huis kopen zonder aankoopmakelaar blijkt lastig
Eigen Huis Magazine: 28 van de handigste apps voor woningbezitters
Telegraaf: Tinder voor woningaanbod
Telegraaf: Tinder voor woningzoekende
VerzekeringsNieuws: Tinder voor woningzoekende
Bull Up Beleggersclub: Tinder voor woningzoekende
Drimble: Tinder voor woningzoekende
DTT blog: Blokster founder highly appraises DTT
DTT blog: Blokster: swipe right for your dream house
DTT blog: Blokster app in the Telegraaf