Gásten SauzandeWeb Development Intern

"Working at DTT showed me what it's like to work in an environment where you will always face new challenges that will benefit your growth immensely. I felt like part of the team from day 1 and managed to learn not only new technical skills but also learn about project management from my very intelligent colleagues who were always there to help.
I had the chance to interact directly with clients which gave me a very valuable view into the professional world of software development. The period that I've spent at the company has definitely been the period of fastest personal and professional growth in my life. During my interview I was told that at DTT you work hard and play hard which is honestly the best way to describe my experience, full of amazing learning experiences, challenges but also a good dose of fun moments.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone at the company for making this internship period a memorable experience."