Niels Stengewis | Android app development intern

"I came in at DTT with brief experience about Android. On my first day I was assigned to work on a large project, where I learned the structure of work being done. If I did not understand something, I could always walk past a developer. He would then take all the time needed to solve my issue. It felt very nice, after 3 to 4 weeks I have improved my skills, and started to pick up issues independently. DTT is not always about working, but also about having fun. For example, every Friday afternoon we have a drink and regularly a team social, where we do something fun with the team.
Due to the independence and flexibility that DTT offers, I have drastically extended my knowledge and I got a contract after my internship. Now I work at DTT as a part timer and I can broaden my knowledge even more, I am very grateful for this."