Dietmar Pisalski | Unity Development

"Doing an internship as a part of my studies at DTT has been a great experience. Starting with little work experience, I consider myself as lucky having DTT as the perfect entrance into the professional world.
I joined the Unity team and was welcomed with open arms. From the first day on I got big responsibilities and was treated like a full time member at eye level. For questions or problems there is always a colleague to help, even outside of your own team, which definitely helped me gain plenty of knowledge in Unity and also gave me the chance to peek into different fields of software development. Even with high expectations and ambitious deadlines, I was given a lot of freedom to give my own input and ideas into all the projects I was working on.
Although the work was challenging, deadlines tight and sometimes nights late, the positive atmosphere in the office with its great team mentality is something I'm going to look back to. To sum it up, I've had a great time at DTT and I can't imagine having this much hands-on experience with a great team like this anywhere else!"