Welcome Jellinek-Minnesota

We proudly present our latest client: JellinekMinnesota. JellinekMinnesota is the expert when it comes to addiction, prevention and treatment.
Respect, honesty, openness and connectedness
JellinekMinnesota is one of the twelve specialised healthcare providers of Arkin. Commissioned by Arkin, DTT and JellinekMinnesota will develop an app for former participants of the Minnesota treatment.
JellinekMinnesota offers treatments for men and women in the Netherlands with an alcohol, drug and gambling addiction. They do this through a treatment method which was developed in the United States: the Minnesota model. The method is based on different values such as respect, honesty, openness and connectedness and originated from the 12 steps of the self-help group AA (Alcoholics Anonymous). The app will be used to connect former participants so they can encourage each other when necessary.
We cannot give any further details at this time, but the development of the app has started.