The Famiflora loyalty app: 500 ratings and 4,4 stars

The Famiflora loyalty app is doing great in the app stores: positive reviews, tens of thousands of downloads, 500 ratings and an average of 4.4 stars!
One app for the largest garden- and outdoor decoration centre in Belgium
Aiming to increase customer loyalty, Famiflora and DTT joined forces six months ago, which resulted in the Famiflora loyalty app. Customers of Famiflora can connect their physical or digital customer card to the loyalty app in order to acquire points for every purchase. These points can be traded for nice rewards, such as a free bonsai tree or 10% discount on the flower collection. Besides saving up for nice rewards, it is convenient to use for product information. Simply scan the barcode with your smartphone and voilà!
Satisfied customers with positive reviews
Within 6 months, the Famiflora loyalty app received more than 500 ratings, with a top result of 4.4 stars on average. Read a couple of these positive reviews:
★★★★★ “Cool app with customer card”
“Very convenient app: I always carry the customer card with me, tracking my purchases, receiving points and nice presents. Also I use the app to compare the prices of flowers in other stores. Amazing!”
★★★★★ ”Excellent and practical”
“A great app, excellent and practical. Don’t miss out on this one!”
★★★★★ “Genius!”
“Very practical because you don’t need a card to save up for reward points! Genius!”
Don’t have the Famiflora loyalty app yet? Download the app now on the App Store or Google Play Store.