The Bootcamp Club loyalty app is live

If you still lack motivation for doing sports - the Bootcamp Club offers you a loyalty app where members can get pleasant bonuses for sporting.
Sport and save with the Bootcamp Club loyalty app
On behalf of Fanly enterprise, DTT has developed a loyalty app for The Bootcamp Club. This app offers you the opportunity to enroll into the various training programs offered by The Bootcamp Club. With simple filters you will find exactly the right training that suits you. You can choose the bootcamps that are closer to you, different levels of difficulty and coaches to your taste.
To make it even more enjoyable and exciting, for each training you can save points to redeem discounts and nice actions! In short, it will be an extra push in your back to go on with helathy lifestyle The more your sport, the more rewards you get. Enough talking, it's time to sport and save!
To know more about the Bootcamp Club, visit their website.