The Bagels & Beans loyalty app attracts the general public

The Bagels & Beans loyalty app, which became available to the general public this month, has succeeded its trial period with flying colours.
Next level loyalty app
The Bagels & Beans loyalty app offers Bagels & Beans fans the option to gather points for attractive rewards. And that’s not everything, users are also able to use the app to pay and purchase digital gift cards.
The app is linked to a data engine and this gives Bagels & Beans the possibility to gather precious user data. This data could be used to optimize their customer journey and offer personalized vouchers. All in all, a win-win situation!
Official launch catches headlines
The official launch of the app certainly did not go by unnoticed. As proud developer of the Bagels & Beans app, we are delighted to share one of the appeared articles: Silicon Canals: Bagels & Beans launches mobile loyalty app.