Testimonial Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport

DTT has developed the ‘ziekenhuidbeschecker’ in collaboration with the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.
“Very professional and well adapting party. Absolutely the right choice!”
The ziekenhuisbedchecker shows an overview of the current bedscapacity in the Dutch hospitals and acts as a tool with the coordination of patientcare. The application has been live since the start of April 2020 and we gladly share the positive words from Marlies P. Schijven, CMIO of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.
“DTT build the ‘ziekenhuisbedchecker’ for VWS, that gives every caretaker free insight into the available beds, IC and non-IC, COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 in the Netherlands from existing registration systems.
This will help us tremendously during but also after the corono-crisis. After all, ambulance services see if they can drive up to a hospital or not, and general practitioners can check for available beds on the SHE before having to call around to see if they can send a patient. DTT developed this is record time, I am incredibly impressed by the commitment and the cooperation during these uncertain times. Very professional and well adapting party. Absolutely the right choice!”