Scanny app received successfully

Scanny app has been well received by various media thanks to a successful promotional campaign. After sending a strong press release, making a promotional website and a beautiful animated video, the Scanny app has been mentioned by various magazines and websites.
Thus the Flemish P-Magazine published a fine article about the Scanny app. The article describes the unique functionality of Scanny app, namely the possibility to convert images into editable text.
The Scanny app also appeared in the magazine Computer Idee. In the well-known Dutch computer magazine Scanny received an honorable mention.
Furthermore, the handy app will soon be published in Communication Arts. All in all, good results of a successful promotional campaign.
Take a look at the succes stories of the Scanny Optical Character Recognition app:
Meldmagazine: Scanny: Scan and share text effortlessly
Itwire: Scanny turns iPhone pictures into texts
Documentimagingreport: Cool logo for mobile capture app Easily scan and share texts with the new app Scanny
Corecommunique: Easily scan and share texts with the new app Scanny Scanny, aplicación para descargar libros en iPhone
DTT blog: Pearls of media coverage
DTT blog: DTT app in communication arts magazine
DTT blog: Scanny app received successfully
DTT blog: Sending press release about the app is fruitfull