Now live in app stores: Hoes geocaching game

Hoes geocaching game is aimed for future students in Utrecht. During the Utrecht Introduction Time (UIT) the app will help new students get to know their new college town and be informed about possible danger of STDs.
Discover Utrecht with geoquest
Starting from today, students can download the Hoes app and engage into geoquest challenges. In a nutshell: the student gets acquainted with the town where he will spend a lot of time over the next four years. He will be quided by the built-in map towards the quests located in various hotspots. These quests include questions, diverse quizes and 'exciting' SOA games.
Reduce risks of STDs
The quests in the app are dedicated to risks of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Thus, the owners of the app promoted "Make yourself healthy(live)" theme triggered by the municipality of Utrecht.
Success stories of the Hoes geocaching game:
De Utrechtse Internet Courant: Leer meer over seksualiteit door soa’s vangen
Algemeen Dagblad: Nieuwe app: soa's zoeken in Utrecht
PowNed: Nieuwe app geeft u soa's
Nationale Zorggids: Campagne laat studenten nadenken en praten over veilige seks
FunX: Geen Pokémon's, maar SOA'S vangen met een nieuwe app
RTV Utrecht: Geen Pokémon's, maar SOA'S vangen met een nieuwe app
Hoogeschool Utrecht: Geen Pokémon's, maar SOA'S vangen met een nieuwe app
Emerce: Geen Pokémon vangen, maar SOA’s
DTT blog: Sexual education meets geocaching gaming