Hulpapp testimonial

DTT developed the Hulpapp in collaboration with the Dutch foundation Stichting de Juiste Schakel. We gladly present this testimonial as a result of a delightful collaboration.
Close communication, genuine interest and an A+
DTT developed the Hulpapp for Stiching de Juiste Schakel. A highly desired app as available assistance for the people associated with domestic violence varies per municipality, situation and time of day. The Hulpapp is the one central source that connects people involved with domestic violence with the right information and help. We proudly share the positive experience of Stephanie Leyenaar about the collaboration between Stichting de Juiste Schakel and DTT:
“We let DTT develop our website and app and I am incredibly pleased. Close communication, genuine interest in our foundation and we only receiving positive feedback from our users. We would absolutely recommend DTT to anyone who wants to develop something. The employees get an A+ from us.”
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