100+ positive reviews for Bagels & Beans loyalty app

A great start for the Bagels & Beans loyalty app. Three months after launch, we passed the 100 reviews in the App Store, with an average rating of 4.8. This asks for a celebration!
Save points for great rewards
The Bagels & Beans loyalty app offers Bagels & Beans fans the opportunity to earn points for great rewards. A refreshing iced coffee or cool gadgets for example. Have you always wanted to take home that typical Bagels & Beans cup and saucer set? Download the app, save your points and that set is yours!
Reviews to be proud of
The Bagels & Beans app has been developed on behalf of Fanly, THE loyalty platform of the Netherlands. We are very pleased with the results that the app has achieved so far. Compliments are pouring in and with an average rating of 4.8 there is no doubt about it; the Bagels & Beans loyalty app is a great success. A small selection of the (Dutch) reviews:
Danielcelestelove4everr: Super handy app! Nice that you can save points now for all kinds of discounts
Jorddd1982:)): Handy, quick and fun! Great to see that B&B is taking an extra step for her customers. Besides, the app functions easy and quick!
DeuxCVams: Bagels is doing gLooks good and functions nice and smoothly. Can’t wait till I saved up for my first coffee and bagels. Great!
Amsterdam hotspotter: Cool!! Handy app with nice benefits.