Edu Play Book | DTT
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Edu Play Book

Learn to read and do math with 100+ stories and games

Edu Play Book
Edu Play Book icon

Edu Play Book

Learn to read and do math with 100+ stories and games




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Edu Play Book takes children on an educative adventure. The Edu Play Book app consists of:

  • Various educative mini games that stimulate math, reading skills and more
  • An educative report where parents can track the learning curve of their children
  • An interactive bedtime story: Sleepy Night
  • More than 100 audio stories in 10 different languages with even more to come

Every adventure consists of a combination of illustrations, texts and audio. Listen to the adventures of Kiko, Snow, Pip, Grandma and Wally Wizard or record your own stories. Certain stories and levels can be played for free, but fans of the Edu Play Book app can opt for a subscription to unlock extra content.

The app makes use of Unity, a cross-platform game engine. Because of the use of Unity, the app has beautiful and vibrant animations. Ideal to grasp the attention of the young users. Behind the Edu Play Book app is a Content Management System (CMS), which makes it easy to add (or edit) stories.

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An interactive home menu.

Educative mini games

Various educative mini games can be played from the treehouse.

Function Order game - Edu Play Book

Order game

Practice your math skills.

Word search

Test your speed with the Word search game.


Train your memory with the memory game.

Addition and Subtraction

Practice your math skills.

Piano player

Practice music and spatial awareness.

Writing game

Learn to write with the writing game.

Function Education report - Edu Play Book

Education report

View the progress via the education report.

Function Sleepy Night - Edu Play Book

Sleepy Night

An interactive adventure before going to bed.

Function Sleepy Night - Bedtime - Edu Play Book

Sleepy Night - Bedtime

Choose when you want to be reminded.

Sleepy Night - Start

Say nighty night to every villager before going to bed.


Stories can be read in every villagers' home.

Read story

Click on a book to read and listen to the story.

Function My room - Edu Play Book

My room

Users can record stories in their own room.

Record story

Choose a story to record or ask someone else to make a recording for you.


An overview of all stories.

Get more out of Edu Play Book

Get more out of EPB and get a subscription.





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